What size rope should I order?
We don't pre size your rope because we want to give you full customisation of the size to perfectly suit you, your jump rope abilities and needs. Check out our How to Size My Jump Rope Page.
Do you have to buy the ropes separately?
The Shred Rope provides all three ropes in one bundle, for all your workout needs.
Do you get both sets of handles?
No unfortunately you'll have to make a decision between the black or Silver handles. Both handles provide rope change mechanism to easily connect to all three ropes.
Can I buy just one rope?
No at the minute we're just launching with one product and our unique feature is providing multiple ropes to diversify your workouts. But potentially in the future we will offer the ability to buy handles and individual ropes separately.
I'm a newbie I think I should buy a cheap basic rope first before buying a Shred Rope?
No Shred Rope is the perfect rope to learn! The Red rope designed for beginner jumpers, the weighted rope provides additional feedback and the dual bearing mechanism provides for an ultra smooth rotation.
Here you will find all the frequently asked questions our customers have asked us about our ice baths!

How much ice do I need to add?
We recommend adding 13-26lb (6-12kg) of ice to the Ice Pod per session. The amount of ice needed depends on your tap water temperature and how cold you desire it to be, where if you live in colder climates, adding ice may not even be needed.
Since the pod is insulated it will keep the water cold for multiple days, and you may therefore not have to add as much ice after the first time.
How do I keep the water clean?
Always keep the lid on when not in use, to help prevent any debris falling in!
We recommend changing the water once per week without any additives.
When you drain the water from your Pod, to extend the life of your next fill, we recommend washing the inside surfaces with warm soapy water.
How easy is it to fill up?
Super easy! Simply use a hose-pipe, a bucket or container, and add room temperature water. Once filled to approximately 70% full, you'll be ready for your first dip!
Later, we recommend adding ice or ice packs to reduce the temperature further. Our Pods are insulated top, bottom and sides, so will maintain the water temperature for longer than you'd expect!
How does it keep the water cold?
The SR ice bath is integrated with thermal insulated TPE layers, a Thermo Lid, and an additional polyester winter cover to lengthen the time at a given temperature.
We recommend deploying your Ice Tub outside, under shade, to maximise the passive overnight cooling effect and then adding ice or ice blocks as needed.
Can I use Epsom Salts in my Ice Bath?
Yes, its fine to add Epsom Salt to your ice bath, there are some really good reasons why you would want to!
Espom salts are safe to use, and may have health benefits by supplementing your magnesium levels, but chloride salts (e.g., table salt, road salt) are not safe to use.
Can I add Bromine to the water?
Yes you can!
If you'd like the water to last longer, using Bromine tablets or powder should extend the usable time up to 1 month.
Bromine is more skin-friendly and lasts longer than Chlorine in cold water and you'll need very little to be effective.
Does it come with a lid?
Yes, it does!
The SR Ice Tub comes complete with a insulated lid and a polyester winter cover. You will find the insulated lid carefully folded up and placed in a transparent protective wallet inside the box. And the winter cover in a black zip up bag.
I am very tall, will I fit in the ice bath?
We've designed our bath to fit all sizes up to 2.1m tall (6' 7"), whilst minimising water and cooling requirements.